Category General

Mentorship Matters

Support systems for founders and entrepreneurs are key to attracting, retaining, and accelerating cleantech startups. Mentorship is an essential ingredient to that support. There is substantial regional support for entrepreneurs from partners like LaunchMN, Forge North, and statewide entrepreneurial support…

Kevion Ellis Joins Grid Catalyst Team


Grid Catalyst is pleased to welcome Kevion Ellis to the Grid Catalyst team as our new program manager. He has valuable experience in workforce development, strategic communications, and public policy, which he will lend to building our new programs for…

Welcome Program Fellow – Ainsley Schwerr

Ainsley schwerr professional normandale

Ainsley Schwerr joined the Grid Catalyst team in October. She is a senior at the University of Minnesota, studying International Relations. Ainsley’s deep interest in sustainability and innovation made her a great candidate for this position. She will be coordinating…