EcoSnap provides ductless mini split heat pumps that are easy and affordable to installThis solution reduces time on site, complexity, and therefore cost to install.

It is particularly valuable in rural areas where trades are over-taxed or hard to find. It is suitable for small homes and commercial spaces, accessory dwelling units, cabins, or as a supplemental comfort solution in a larger home. Heat pump technology is very efficient, even in cold . climates, and reduces carbon emissions and energy consumption compared to fossil fuel burning devices, space heaters, or window air conditioners.
About The Technology

EcoSnap offers mini split heat pumps in 9 KBU/hr and 12 KBTU/hr capacities, suitable for heating and cooling up to 450 square feet. We have units that are rated for cold climates and perform well below 5 F.

Originally developed by researchers at the Renewable Energy Lab, the EcoSnap technology is a through-wall installation solution that allows connection of the refrigerant and condensate lines, and the electrical all in one motion.

This solution removes the need to handle refrigerant and reduces the possibility of refrigerant leaks. It also optionally removes the need to wire to the electrical panel, instead allowing a unit to plug in to an indoor outlet.

This engineering solution makes efficient heating and cooling affordable, accessible, and hassle-free.