CEEM Partnership Announcement

Today, we are announcing a partnership with Clean Energy Economy MN (CEEM) to accelerate the opportunities and solutions needed for the next generation of innovation and climate solutions for Minnesota and the Midwest. Together, we will launch a clean energy accelerator cohort, prioritizing one of the biggest hurdles to commercializing big ideas – demonstration. The cohort application will open this fall, with demonstrations slated for the first half of 2022.
CEEM has established itself as the go-to resource for clean energy businesses in Minnesota and their team will provide important insight and partnership to enable success for this program. Grid Catalyst will also support CEEM’s mission, working together to achieve the organization’s goal of 100,000 clean energy jobs in Minnesota by 2030.
We are seeking early stage businesses, who have completed R&D and initial business planning, and are ready to prove the value of their solutions. We are also seeking demonstration partners and program sponsors for the 2021-22 program.
Ceem: clean energy economy minnesota
Ceem: clean energy economy minnesota
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Nina Axelson

Grid Catalyst was founded in 2021 by Nina Axelson, an industry leader with nearly 20 years of experience in energy and sustainability. Previously, Nina was the VP of Sustainability for Ever-Green Energy and served on the board of the International District Energy Association.

Articles: 30